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Ministry’s statement on Italian National Memorial Day

In these days when Italy commemorates the victims of the foibe and the exodus from Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia, the Ministry reiterates the importance of comprehensive and respectful remembrance and dignity for all the victims of the tragic events of the 20th century war and post-war period. Every community keeps the memory of its painful experiences alive, but it must also ensure that this pain does not breed more resentment or fear.

While insisting on the right to remember and respect human dignity, we must not simplify or magnify any pain to the detriment of another and allow the horrors that fascism inflicted on the Slovene people to fall into oblivion. An objective approach to remembering the painful experiences of the 20th century is a building block for a common future that people on both sides of the Slovenian-Italian border, especially young people, deserve.

Reconciliation takes time and requires a sincere effort on both sides to open up to each other and create new opportunities. An example of such an opportunity is the Nova Gorica and Gorizia European Capital of Culture project, of which both Slovenia and Italy can be proud.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia will continue to strive for respectful dialogue with neighbouring Italy and promote cooperation in the spirit of the fundamental European values of coexistence and reconciliation.

Slovenia has always advocated an informed approach to history. An example of such cooperation between the two countries was the work on the joint report on Slovene-Italian relations in the 1880–1956 period prepared by the Slovene-Italian Historical and Cultural Commission set up for this purpose. The publication of the report in both countries would contribute to an objective understanding of historical events.