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Day of the Mediterranean on the unifying power of culture, the arts in intercultural dialogue and the overcoming of differences

On 28 November 2023, a cultural event with a round table discussion on "The Power of Music, Poetry and Literature as Mediums for Intercultural Dialogue" and a concert by the Jazz Oud Quartet took place at the National Museum of Contemporary History housed in the Cekin Mansion to mark the Day of the Mediterranean. The participants were first addressed by the National Coordinator for the Mediterranean at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Nina Skočajić Juvan.

Proclaimed on 28 November 2020 by the Union for the Mediterranean member states, including Slovenia, the Day of the Mediterranean is aimed at raising awareness of the common Mediterranean history, identity and heritage that unites us and transcends the differences between the peoples and nations of the region.

"The great changes and challenges of our time put the region to the test once again. The peoples and shores of the Mediterranean are bound by a common history, culture and art, expressing unity and integration in humanity through the universal language of music, which spreads the notes of solidarity across the region and beyond," said Nina Skočajić Juvan in her opening remarks. This was followed by a round table discussion on the importance of culture in strengthening intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region and of the power of the arts to bring people together, with Tina Vodnik, Delegated Head of Department for Africa and the Middle East; Prof. Dr Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry, President of the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI); Tanja Tuma, President of the Slovenian PEN Centre and International Secretary of PEN International; and Mohamad Abdul Munem, Palestinian-Syrian publisher and writer. The round table was moderated by journalist Mimi Podkrižnik.

The aim of the event and the round table was to contribute to intercultural dialogue through culture by exploring the common Mediterranean space through musical interpretations and literary traditions, which play a prominent role in enriching diversity, understanding and respect, and in bringing people and countries of the entire Mediterranean region closer together.

The Jazz Oud Quartet, in collaboration with darbuka drummer Mahmoud Al Khatib, closed the evening with a fusion of European jazz and oriental traditions.