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Traditional Slovenian breakfast served to 100 primary school teachers from 32 countries at ASEF’s Classroom Network Conference

From 12 to 15 November 2023, Ljubljana hosted the 16th Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Classroom Network international conference entitled "Leading Change: Digital Transformation of Education in the Era of AI", where foreign guests were also served a traditional Slovenian breakfast to raise awareness of a healthy diet and regular breakfast for children and adults.
breakfast participants

Traditional Slovenian breakfast | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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Since 1998, the Asia-Europe Foundation Classroom Network Conference has brought together more than 100 head teachers, teachers and IT and education experts from Europe and Asia. The purpose of this year’s conference was to present to the participants some fundamental competences and strategies related to AI in order to improve their teaching skills.

This year, the conference coincided with the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast project held in Slovenia every third Friday in November on Slovenian Food Day since 2012, so the ingredients of the traditional Slovenian breakfast were presented to more than 100 primary school teachers from 32 countries participating in the conference. Through this project, Slovenia is raising awareness of the importance of sustainable self-sufficiency at home, of preserving a clean and healthy environment and countryside, and of introducing young people to food production and processing methods to stimulate interest in agricultural activities. In this regard, recognition and respect is due to food producers and processors – farmers, agri-food businesses and cooperatives.

The Traditional Slovenian Breakfast project, which is marked every year in primary and secondary schools across Slovenia, reaffirms Slovenia’s commitment to protect pollinators and recognises the key role of bees in preserving our food and biodiversity. The traditional breakfast embodies Slovenian values of promoting quality, locally produced food, reducing transport costs and ensuring food security for Slovenian citizens.

The conference was hosted by the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) operating under the auspices of UNESCO and supported by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.