Prime Minister Golob meets representatives of municipal associations
The meeting was also attended by Government ministers and other representatives of the relevant ministries.
The Prime Minister thanked the mayors for their work so far and their response to the floods. The Government representatives discussed with the mayors the next steps in dealing with the consequences of the disaster: "We will coordinate all available capacities at the national level to the best of our ability in order to provide assistance to the most affected municipalities as effectively as possible," stressed the Prime Minister.
He also underlined the proposal for advance payments foreseen in the amendments to the Natural Disaster Relief Act, saying "The State is committed to covering all intervention costs and facilitating rapid rehabilitation measures. The advance payment will be increased from the originally planned 20% to 40% of the estimated damage," stressed Mr Golob. The advance payment will allow municipal services to act more quickly. The Natural Disaster Relief Act will be amended in this way and is expected to be debated in the National Assembly tomorrow, 9 August 2023. Prime Minister Golob also stressed the importance of supporting the businesses, agriculture and fish farming in the affected municipalities.
The meeting’s attendees also discussed the removal of waste, the use of heavy machinery to rebuild roads and the cleaning of streambeds. Prime Minister Golob pointed out that the key priority was for the intervention services to ensure access to homes, provide energy and telecommunications connections and to remove waste. Housing for those who lost their homes was also discussed. The State has already set up the Floods 2023 application, which will also include vacant housing owned by the State and housing offered for use by individual homeowners. This is a temporary solution, while as a permanent solution, Prime Minister Golob highlighted alternative construction: "The State does not have land, but municipalities do, and land must be provided with the necessary site infrastructure and proper spatial planning." The Prime Minister stressed that this is a complex procedure that must be simplified and shortened: "It is then up to the state to take care of the construction," he added.