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Launch of the Diplomatic Bulletin

“Our mission, which is to serve Slovenia and its inhabitants at home and abroad, transcends trying moments and experiences,” wrote the editor, Ambassador Sabina Stadler Repnik, in the editorial of the first issue of the Diplomatic Bulletin. The publication of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs aims to inform the general public about the work and achievements of Slovenian diplomacy.

Minister Tanja Fajon launched the first issue of the Bulletin, saying: “The word ‘diplomat’ implies a great deal of specific knowledge and unique skills, and behind every document, speech, action, event or negotiation there stands a person. (...) In the public perception, the unique nature of the diplomatic profession might make it somewhat removed from everyday life, and this is why we want to bring it closer to you, also on pages of this publication.”

The first issue of the Diplomatic Bulletin, a newsletter on diplomacy, international relations and global affairs, is dedicated to Slovenia’s recent election to the United Nations Security Council by a large majority. In interviews, State Secretary Samuel Žbogar, Head of the UNSC Task Force Matej Marn, Special Envoy for the UNSC Ambassador Franci But and Head of the Slovenian Mission to the UN Ambassador Boštjan Malovrh talk about the events behind the scenes and reveal their personal insights into the developments in New York. One of the articles is a reflection on the importance of public, science and digital diplomacy for Slovenia and the future of diplomacy in the era of global challenges.

The Diplomatic Bulletin edited by the Department for Strategic Studies and Analyses will be published online six times a year.

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