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Prime Minister Golob: We want a long-lived society with an adequate quality of life

Prime Minister Robert Golob today participated in the consultation "For a better future for older and retired persons", which was held at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.
Prime Minister Robert Golob today participated in the consultation "For a better future for older and retired persons",

Prime Minister Robert Golob today participated in the consultation "For a better future for older and retired persons", | Author Žan Kolman/KPV

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In his address, the Prime Minister stressed that we need to maintain an adequate quality of life in a long-lived society. He cited healthy lifestyles, with an emphasis on healthy eating, as an important preventive measure. "Unfortunately, longevity also brings with it diseases characteristic of the elderly population, and we need to adapt our health and social systems to this," said the Prime Minister.

He stressed the importance of access to health at all stages of life, not just in old age: "If we want to achieve high-quality healthcare and access to healthcare, particularly for older persons, we need to fundamentally change healthcare. The acts on the digitalisation of healthcare and the changes to the public health coffers create a common, single foundation so that all healthcare services can be accessed from one place and in a uniform way."

The material situation of those who are the most vulnerable in our society also has a major impact on ensuring a good quality of life in old age. The Government is therefore introducing measures to control food prices along the entire chain. "Food prices must start to fall because the reasons for their rise have been eliminated.  We will not allow individual links in the chain to make profits at the expense of people's hardship," said Prime Minister Golob. 

In closing, he stressed that older people are a very useful part of our society and must be given the opportunity to remain active. "When a person retires, they have by no means said the last word on the value that they can bring to society.  Quite the contrary, it may be that they can contribute even more. And we need to be able to address this in the right way," the Prime Minister concluded.