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State Secretary Polak receives representatives of the Society for the Protection of Horses and Other Animals

State Secretary for the Establishment of Dialogue with Civil Society and Coordination of Citizens’ Initiatives Maksimiljana Polak and Head of the Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dejan Süč met with representatives of the Society for the Protection of Horses and Other Animals and other representatives of animal advocates.
Meeting of State Secretary Maksimiljana Polak and Dejan Süč, Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, with representatives of the Association for the Protection of Horses and Other Animals and other representatives of animal

Srečanje državne sekretarke Maksimiljane Polak in vodje kabineta Ministrstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano Dejana Süča s predstavniki Društva za zaščito konj in ostalih živali ter drugimi predstavniki zagovornikov živali | Author KPV

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The representatives of the society presented their activities, which are based on workshops, lectures and projects to raise public awareness and understanding of nature and animals, in particular horses. The society actively cooperates with the inspection services and units of the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in addressing the issue of housing horses taken away during inspection procedures.