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Clarification from the office of the prime minister with regard to conditions for Dr Golob’s appearance on RTV Slovenija

Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob received an invitation on Monday, 24 October 2022 to take part in TV Slovenija’s Tarča programme.

Since that day we have informed the editor and presenter of Tarča on multiple occasions that the prime minister cannot appear on the programme, and suggested that an invitation be issued to one of the deputy prime ministers. As of today, the programme makers had failed to do so. 

The prime minister was also invited to appear on Odmevi on Wednesday evening, and confirmed his appearance. After this appearance was confirmed, TV Slovenija cancelled the invitation to the aforementioned programme, saying that the prime minister was expected on Tarča, which would also be featuring Janez Janša, leader of SDS, as a guest.

Our expectation is that Dr Golob should be entitled to the same treatment on RTV Slovenija as the former prime minister, as was the practice for almost two decades.