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State budget out-turn in the first nine months

According to preliminary data, the state budget recorded almost EUR 9.3 billion in revenue in the first nine months, which is about EUR 1.3 billion or 16.2% higher than in the same period last year. Expenditure fell by almost EUR 837 million or 8%, amounting to around EUR 9.6 billion. Accordingly, the budget deficit amounted to EUR 324 million in the first nine months.
v zgornjem delu slike napis proračunska realizacija. V ozadju pa v stolpec zloženi kovanci.

Proračunska realizacija

Tax revenues amounted to over EUR 7.8 billion in the first nine months and were 17.7% or almost EUR 1.2 billion higher than in the same period last year.

Income tax revenue amounted to EUR 1 billion in the first nine months and was 2.5% higher than in the same period last year.

Inflows from value added tax totalled EUR 3.5 billion in the period under review and were higher by EUR 581 million or 19.6% compared to the same period last year. The reasons for the increase are mainly the suspension of economic activity and consumption on the part of the population in the context of the fight against the epidemic and the consequent restraint in consumption and a high consumer price index.

Corporate income tax inflows reached EUR 1.2 billion and were 44.5% higher compared to the same period last year, reflecting better performance of companies in 2021 and consequently higher prepayments.

Non-tax revenue amounted to EUR 590 million in the first nine months, which was down by 8.3% relative to the same period last year. Last year, EUR 164 million of revenue were generated by the awarded radio frequency concessions, while this year there will be no such inflow.

Around EUR 677 million was received in European funding, which was EUR 107.1 million more than in the same period last year.

In the first nine months, about EUR 1.1 billion was spent on labour costs, which was 5.6% less than last year. This is due to a great extent to the non-payment of allowances for work in special and risk conditions.

Interest payments reached EUR 561.1 million in the period under review and were EUR 71.5 million lower than last year.

This year, EUR 1.4 billion was spent on transfers to individuals and households, which was 29.8% less than in the same period last year. Transfers to the unemployed were reduced by EUR 28.8 million, this a result of the lower number of unemployed.

The state budget allocated EUR 785.1 million for investments in the first nine months, which was 24.8% more than in the same period last year.