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EU Development Directors-General meeting

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Acting Director-General for Multilateral Affairs and Development Cooperation Eva Tomič took part in the meeting of EU development directors-general in Brussels. The directors-general discussed the implementation of the Global Gateway strategy, global food supply and preparations for the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15).
Meeting of EU directors-general for development cooperation

Meeting of EU directors-general for development cooperation | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

The EU development directors-general exchanged views on concrete examples of Team Europe initiatives that will support the implementation of the Global Gateway strategy. In order to strengthen the EU's geopolitical role in the world, the European Commission is keen to launch the Global Gateway strategy as soon and effectively as possible.

The directors-general also discussed Team Europe's response to the global food supply, given that the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of the Russian aggression against Ukraine seriously expose the vulnerability of agri-food supply chains worldwide. Acting Director-General for Multilateral Affairs and Development Cooperation Eva Tomič pointed out the importance of effective multilateralism and the unity of the international community in tackling the food crisis. By providing humanitarian assistance to ease hunger, Slovenia has tripled its contributions to food security in recent years.

As part of the discussion on the preparations for COP27 and for the COP15 conference, they touched upon the commitments for climate financing and protection of biological diversity. They also discussed Team Europe's flagship initiatives that will be presented at both conferences. Acting Director-General for Multilateral Affairs and Development Cooperation Tomič stressed the importance of water and water resources management for mitigating the impacts of climate change. She also presented an overview of Slovenia's good practices in beekeeping and biodiversity preservation.