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Cooperation in the framework of macro-regional strategies and the potential of the sea in focus in Izola

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The 7th edition of the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week under this year's slogan "Healthy seas for a safer future" was officially opened in Izola on Tuesday. The attendees were addressed by Ambassador Ksenija Škrilec, Acting Director-General for EU Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
Acting Director-General for EU Affairs Ambassador Ksenija Škrilec on the importance of macro-regional strategies

Acting Director-General for EU Affairs Ambassador Ksenija Škrilec on the importance of macro-regional strategies | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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This international event that brings together decision-makers, experts, civil society and the interested public aims to raise awareness of the sea and the coast, their natural resources and economic potential, and to draw attention to the risks to which the sea and its hinterland are exposed to as a result of natural occurences and human action. The event also aims to shine a spotlight on the work of and the common challenges facing countries in the context of macro-regional strategies.

The annual event raises the profile of macro-regional strategies, which enable both EU and non-EU Member States to work together on an equal footing to tackle common challenges in a defined geographical area.

At the official opening, Acting Director-General for EU Affairs Ambassador Ksenija Škrilec underlined the importance of macro-regional strategies, allowing countries to define common long-term objectives to address the needs of their respective regions. Better cooperation in the framework of macro-regional strategies leads to joint projects and a better understanding of the specificities of individual countries.

This 7th edition, which runs until Friday, 23 September, will feature a number of roundtables and workshops with representatives from across Europe.