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State Secretary Raščan and Australian Deputy Secretary Cooper on bilateral cooperation

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On the 30th anniversary of Australia’s recognition of Slovenia’s independence and establishment of diplomatic relations, State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan held a video conference call with Australian Deputy Secretary Katrina Cooper. Their talks focused on current international and bilateral issues.
State Secretary Dr Raščan during conversation

State Secretary Dr Raščan during conversation | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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State Secretary Raščan and Deputy Secretary Cooper agreed that relations between Slovenia and Australia are excellent, with many opportunities for further enhancement, particularly in the areas of the economy, science, and culture.

The counterparts also spoke about cooperation in the multilateral arena. Slovenia is keen to secure the earliest possible conclusion of a free trade agreement between the European Union and Australia, with State Secretary Raščan underlining that a rapid conclusion of an agreement on the elimination of double taxation between Slovenia and Australia would have a positive effect on taking their economic cooperation forward.

As regards the situation in Ukraine, State Secretary Raščan and Deputy Secretary Cooper agreed on the need to find a solution by diplomatic means. In this context, State Secretary Raščan stressed that NATO and the EU must respond in a unified and decisive manner.  

Deputy Secretary Cooper then briefed State Secretary Raščan on Australia’s stance on the current dynamic geopolitical developments in the Indo-Pacific. They were in full agreement that both the EU and Australia are advocates of peace and stability in the region, highlighting the shared conviction that interstate disputes should be settled by peaceful means and in accordance with the principles of international law.