The Republic of Slovenia: New EUR 1.25bn 0.000% 4-year bond offering due 13 February 2026 and EUR 500mn 1.175% 40-year bond offering due 13 February 2062
The transaction priced at 17:39 CET. The new EUR 1.25bn 4-year benchmark priced with a coupon of 0.000% and a reoffer spread of MS-21bps, offering a -0.241% reoffer yield, equivalent to a spread of +24.3bps over the DBR 0.5% 02/26. This 4-year transaction represents the tightest spread to swaps, spread to Germany and lowest reoffer yield for Slovenia to date. The 2026 maturity was selected as it aptly fit Slovenia’s redemption profile. The EUR 500mn 40-year benchmark priced with a reoffer spread of MS+75bps, offering a reoffer yield of 1.183%, equivalent to a +92.8bps spread to the DBR 0% 08/52. This maturity was strategically selected having debt maturity profile in mind while locking in attractive borrowing costs with rates continuing to be low in a historical context.
On the back of supportive market conditions, on Tuesday 4th January at 14:42 CET, Slovenia announced the mandate for a EUR dual-tranche transaction comprised of new 4-year and 40-year benchmark lines. After gathering supportive investor feedback overnight, books were opened the following morning with initial guidance set at m/s-15bps area for the 4-year and m/s+80bps area for the 40-year benchmark. Guidance were revised down to MS-20bps area (+/-2bps WPIR) and MS+77bps area two hours later as demand stood in excess of EUR 4.6bn (excl. JLM interest) at 4-year and EUR 1.5bn (excl. JLM interest) for the 40-year. Momentum continued, with books reported over EUR 5.4bn (excl. JLM interest) at 4-year and over EUR 1.6bn (excl. JLM interest) for the 40-year at 13:36 CET, allowing the final spreads to be set at MS-21bps for the new 4-year benchmark and MS+75bps for the 40-year benchmark. The transaction was launched at 14:38 CET with the tranche sizes set at EUR 1.25bn and EUR 500m for the new 4-year and the 40-year lines, respectively.
Books closed in excess of EUR 5.0bn (excl. JLM interest) and EUR 1.6bn (excl. JLM interest) for the new 4-year and the 40-year tranches, respectively.
Barclays, BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE and J.P. Morgan jointly led the bond offering.
The geographical and institutional investor distributions were as follows:
New Feb-26 Statistics
Allocation by Investor Region:
UK / Ireland 26.3%
France / Benelux 26.0%
Germany / Austria / Switzerland 15.7%
Slovenia 10.4%
Nordics 10.3%
Other Europe 6.8%
Italy 2.9%
Other World 1.6%
Allocation by Investor Type:
AM / Insurance / Pension Fund 57.8%
Bank / Private Bank 23.5%
Hedge Fund 9.5%
Central Bank / Official Institution 8.0%
Other 1.2%
New Feb-62 Statistics
Allocation by Investor Region:
Germany / Austria / Switzerland 42.0%
UK / Ireland 30.9%
France / Benelux 13.1%
Nordics 5.8%
Other Europe 4.0%
Other World 2.5%
Slovenia 1.6%
Italy 0.1%
Allocation by Investor Type:
AM / Insurance / Pension Fund 81.5%
Hedge Fund 9.7%
Bank / Private Bank 6.7%
Central Bank / Official Institution 2.0%
Other 0.1%
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