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State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs attends an evening discussion on Cohesion Policy

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs attended an evening discussion on Cohesion Policy. The on-line event was organised by the info point Europe Direct Novo mesto and the Development Centre Novo mesto. The State Secretary drew attention to the important role Cohesion Policy funds play in ensuring a balanced regional development and went on to present the priorities supported by the NextGenerationEU instrument and the entities eligible to the funding available under the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027.

At the event that was attended also by Gregor Macedoni, the Mayor of the Urban Municipality Novo mesto, and organised at the initiative of the South-East Slovenia Region Development Council, the State Secretary answered questions regarding the investment priorities of the NextGenerationEU instrument. She underlined that by adopting the said instrument the EU has proven that it is capable of addressing unforeseen situations and providing funding for urgent investments and recovery after the pandemic which is realised through the ReactEU investments and the planned investments under the Recovery and Resilience Plan. The Recovery and Resilience funding will primarily support green transition to a low-carbon society, digital transformation of the economy and the public sector for Slovenia’s long-term development and competitiveness, smart, sustainable and inclusive growth to revive productivity and promote innovation, and for healthcare, social security and the housing sector to ensure a just, high-quality and financially sustainable healthcare and social care for all.         

The State Secretary summarised the impact of the Just Transition Fund by saying that ‘the available funding under the Just Transition Fund will support Slovenia’s gradual cessation of coal use which calls for long-term economic, social and environmental restructuring of regions by establishing a stable alternative source of energy.’  

With regard to the financial perspective 2021-2027 the State Secretary said that the priorities have been identified on the basis of the European Commission guidelines and the identified development gaps at the national, regional and municipal level. ‘The funding under the new multiannual financial framework will support digitalisation and raising productivity which should be supported by adequate infrastructure such as interoperability of the rail system, sustainable mobility, establishing missing larger systems of adequate drinking water supply and wastewater collection and treatment systems, third development axis, energy-saving renovation of buildings, investing in renewable energy sources, etc.’ said mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs about the investment priorities.  

The State Secretary also underlined the relevance of international projects that are implemented in the frame of European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg). Cross-border, inter-regional and transnational projects address the issues of the wider region with the member states taking a joint approach; they also serve as a platform for exchanging experience and best practices. Such projects are the basis for establishing a permanent dialogue between the regions, countries and institutions and thus promote European integration. The projects enable Slovenian partners to get informed and also pass on the invaluable experiences, in particular to the Eastern and Southern Europe.  

‘Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy makes sure that the spending of the available funding is well-planned with our goal being to address each and every individual, be it directly or indirectly. Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU has put particular emphasis on bringing Cohesion Policy closer to the citizens. EU funding connects in various ways, it comes from the people and is used for the people by bridging the development gaps and ensuring equal opportunities for all,’ said the State Secretary about the relevance of Cohesion Policy funds and the work of the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy.