Presentation of the e-Revision system at the last meeting of the Public Procurement Council Working Group
At the meeting, the European Commission presented the state of play of the ongoing assessment of review systems it is currently preparing, of which digital transformation of public procurement is an important part. This was followed by a presentation of the Slovenian e-Revision system, managed by the National Review Commission for Reviewing Public Procurement Award Procedures (DKOM), which is a fully computerised system for legal protection in public procurement procedures, as an example of good practice. e-Revision also increases the efficiency and transparency of review procedures. The system was presented by DKOM member Tadeja Pušnar.
Pietro Celotti and Michele Alessandrini from Ancona then presented, on behalf of the European Commission, the study "From the needs of SMEs in public procurement to concrete actions".
At the end of the meeting, the Chair handed over the virtual Presidency bell to the representative of France and wished him a successful Presidency.