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State Secretary Raščan on strengthening the importance of Transatlantic cooperation in digital transformation

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Secretary Stanislav Raščan gave a speech at Brdo pri Kranju at the Ministerial Conference of the Three Seas Initiative on digital transformation.
State Secretary Raščan sitting, giving a speech

State Secretary Raščan at the Three Seas Initiative Ministerial Conference on digital transformation | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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In his speech, State Secretary Raščan stressed that enhanced cooperation in the digital field is a prerequisite for accelerated digitalisation. He also pointed to the importance of a Transatlantic partnership based on shared values, as well as in the areas of trade and investment. The recently established Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is an expression of such a partnership, underlining the importance of new technologies in everyday life, artificial intelligence being an excellent example. 

State Secretary Raščan added that, to shape a digital future and maintain a rules-based international order, the European Union and its member states must promote digital development through the pursuit of ambitious global standards and by adopting a regulatory approach, together with like-minded countries.