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State Secretary Dovžan on Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency priorities with CoR Bureau

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attended the meeting of the Bureau of the Committee of the Regions before the beginning of Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency.

At the invitation of its President Apostolos Tzitzikostas, State Secretary Dovžan participated in the meeting of the Bureau, which was held on the eve of the Committee of the Regions’ two-day plenary session. He briefed the participants on the priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency: the resilience and recovery of the European Union and the strengthening of the Union's strategic autonomy, the Conference on the Future of Europe, a Union of the European way of life, the rule of law and equal criteria for all, and a credible and secure EU capable of ensuring security and stability in its neighbourhood.

In the ensuing discussion, State Secretary Dovžan exchanged views with members of the Bureau on the priorities, possible common interests and enhanced cooperation with the Committee of the Regions, mentioning the preparation of two opinions at Slovenia’s request and the visit of a delegation from the Bureau to Slovenia in September, organised by the Slovenian delegation to the Committee of the Regions led by Ivan Žagar.