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Prime Minister Janez Janša offers congratulations on the occasion of the Slovenian Day of Paraplegics and Tetraplegics

  • Former Prime Minister Janez Janša (2020 - 2022)
The epidemic of the novel coronavirus has changed our lives and has spared no one. It has exposed our vulnerability and weakness. It took away our health and, unfortunately, many lives as well. It confronted us with questions from which we shied away for too long.
Prime Minister Janez Janša

Prime Minister Janez Janša | Author Kabinet predsednika vlade

Since the declaration of the epidemic in the past year, the Government I lead has focused all its efforts and work towards protecting health and lives. By means of eight anti-corona packages and measures adopted under other laws, we have done everything to minimise the consequences of the epidemic for the citizens, the business sector and other fields of social life.

No one was forgotten during the time of the epidemic. Special attention was paid to the most vulnerable social groups, whose already difficult life circumstances were worsened by the epidemic. We are aware that the strength of any society lies in the empowerment of those who are most exposed to the risk of poverty and social exclusion.

The rise of the minimum disability pension and support for the amendment to the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act are two measures which disabled persons have awaited for far too long. The draft Act of Long Duration Treatment, anticipated to be adopted by the Government before the summer, is in the final preparation phase. This Act will finally provide the conditions for a safe and decent life for the elderly, the disabled and other vulnerable social groups.

We know that much has been done in recent years regarding the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, but we still have a lot of work to do, particularly relating to the provision of conditions for qualitative and comprehensive inclusion of paraplegics and tetraplegics in the working environment and all forms of social life.

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia approaches the principle "nothing about disabled people without disabled people" seriously and with all due responsibility. We are all equal members of society who can contribute together to Slovenia being an advanced, tolerant and inclusive society.

On the occasion of today’s Slovenian Day of Paraplegics and Tetraplegics, I sincerely congratulate all paraplegics and tetraplegics. I also congratulate and thank those who take care of you, live and work with you and do everything in their power so that you receive the necessary assistance, support, care and attention, not only today but every day.

Stay brave. More vaccines are available every new day and only the vaccination coverage can stop the epidemic. I believe that we can overcome this ordeal. As we have many before. I am certain that the celebration of your day next year will be the same as it was before the epidemic.

So do not lose hope and courage. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Stay healthy.