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State Secretary Raščan at the web conference “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” on the common challenges of the rapid development of new technologies

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Today, State Secretary Stanislav Raščan delivered the opening address at the “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” web conference organised by the Slovenian E-mobility Association. In his address, he emphasised the great importance of economic cooperation between the two countries, above all in the automotive industry, which accounts for more than a quarter of total bilateral trade.
Dr Raščan in front of the monitor

State Secretary Raščan giving his opening address at the web conference | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

The state secretary drew attention to the common challenges posed by the rapid development of new technologies and drivers, underlining the need for intensified cooperation between European companies to meet the demands of global competition. In this regard, he referred to solutions that renowned Slovenian companies could offer German partners, and to investment opportunities in this field.

In conclusion, he wished the Slovenian E-Mobility Association and the German Federal Association for eMobility, BEM, every success with the conference, and congratulated them for reaching a formal agreement on cooperation paving the way for new ideas and innovative joint projects.