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EU funding for a new sewerage system in the municipality of Šentjernej

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Ljubljana, 15 July 2020 - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Drainage and treatment in the Krka River Basin - Municipality of Šentjernej”. The Cohesion Fund will contribute EUR 566,000 for the project which is worth more than EUR 1.2 million and will be implemented by the Municipality of Šentjernej.

As part of the project, an appropriate infrastructure for the treatment of municipal wastewater will be built in the municipality of Šentjernej, which will increase the level of connection to the public sewerage network from 94 percent to 98 percent.

Residents who do not yet have the option of connecting to the public sewerage network are currently solving the problem individually using septic tanks. These are not an appropriate solution, as they usually represent a constant source of stench and danger of pollution of the Kaluder stream, the Krka river and groundwater due to poor maintenance and irregular removal of sewage sludge.

As part of the project, 2,389.58 metres of a new sewage system and two pumping stations will be built which will be connected to the Šentjernej treatment plant. The main goal of the project, which is to reduce emissions into water, will be achieved through the construction of infrastructure for the discharge and treatment of municipal wastewater.

PHOTO: Klemen Razinger