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EU funds help keep the environment in Sava River basin in Jesenice clean

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Drainage and treatment of wastewater in the Upper Sava River basin – Municipality of Jesenice”. The project worth EUR 2.4 million will be implemented by the Municipality Jesenice and will receive EUR 829,000 of Cohesion Fund support.

As part of the project, adequate infrastructure for municipal wastewater treatment will be built. Sewage will be built in the area of Murova, Stražišarjeva and KS Sava. These are the areas where wastewater is collected in septic tanks that do not comply with the regulations in place. The project will enhance the number of inhabitants connected to public service infrastructure that is used for wastewater collection and treatment in accordance with the requirements of the current Urban Wastewater Collection and Treatment Operational Programme and the Wastewater Directive.