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MFA responds to European Commission’s message on enhanced EU enlargement

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Slovenian Foreign Ministry welcomes today's proposal of the European Commission on new enlargement methodology, aiming for a more efficient, transparent and credible enlargement process.

Slovenia believes that a more dynamic, credible and political process could accelerate the accession of the Western Balkan countries to the European Union. The enlargement of the Union is necessary for stability, economic development and continued reform processes in the region. Slovenia believes that the enlargement methodology's internal upgrade should be pursued in parallel with the opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. The EU enlargement with the Western Balkans must remain a geostrategic investment, whereas the European perspective of these countries needs to be the principal motivation for the changes in the region.

In accordance with the European Council’s conclusions from October 2019, Member States are to decide on opening the accession negotiations before the EU-Western Balkans Summit taking place in Zagreb in May 2020. Conditionality remains a key element of the enlargement process in today’s proposal of the Commission, envisaging a stronger influence of EU Member States and negative measures in case the candidate countries fail to meet the enlargement conditions. Member States will decide on the final form of today's proposal in upcoming discussions to reach a consensus on further steps in the enlargement process.

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