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MFA on heightened tensions between US and Iran

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses grave concern over the heightening of tensions between the US and Iran. It condemns the recent acts of violence and armed attacks in Iraq, as these may trigger further disturbances engulfing the entire region. The Ministry calls on all parties involved to de-escalate tensions and preserve peace.

The Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs keeps in close contact with Allies and other states in order to stay abreast of current developments. It closely monitors the situation and participates in discussions within the EU and NATO.

The Ministry is in regular contact with the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces who, at the invitation of the Iraqi Government, provide training for the Iraqi Kurdistan Armed Forces in Erbil in northern Iraq as part of the Global Coalition against Daesh. The efforts of NATO Mission Iraq and the Global Coalition are essential to build the capacities of Iraqi armed forces in combating Daesh and preventing its resurgence. In the interest of the Global Coalition and of the long-term stability of Iraq and the region, the assistance of the international community to Iraq should be continued, in full respect of its sovereignty and territorial integrity and in regular dialogue with the authorities.

Acts of violence and attacks on civilians, diplomatic missions and consular posts, and cultural monuments are in gross violation of the norms of civilisation and international law provisions. For this reason, the Ministry opposes any such acts. It calls on all sides involved to refrain from any action that would further destabilise Iraq and the region, to engage in dialogue and keep communication channels open.