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Closing event of the 'Young Women Ambassadors' project

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Today marks the closure of the project, which was initiated on 8 March by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with women ambassadors to Slovenia. At the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, participating students were first informed of the activities for the promotion of Slovenia and its brand 'I Feel Slovenia', and later they were acquainted with the functioning of the Office of Youth and the role of the youth delegate to the United Nations.
Meeting with Eva Štravs Podlogar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Meeting with Eva Štravs Podlogar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

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The Ministry’s mentorship project 'Young Women Ambassadors' was conducted in cooperation with women ambassadors to Slovenia, involving ten female 3rd and 4th year students from the following secondary schools: Gimnazija Šiška, Gimnazija Brežice, Gimnazija Kranj, Gimnazija Škofja Loka, Srednja gradbena šola in gimnazija Maribor, Gimnazija Krško, Gimnazija Murska Sobota and Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem.

The project gave them a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the activities of Slovenian and foreign women ambassadors in diplomacy and international relations, in addressing current global issues, in presenting positions and in the functioning of diplomacy, the economy and other areas. Throughout the year, the participating students held meetings with their mentors, spent a day shadowing them at work and participated in events organised by the Ministry and embassies. They were acquainted with the functioning of several state institutions and bodies. At the invitation of the ministers of the interior, of education, science and sport and of finance, the mentees familiarised themselves with the activities and challenges of the aforementioned ministries and some of their bodies. For instance, when visiting the Police, they met with women police officers who had participated in international peace missions; when they visited the Financial Administration, tax literacy programmes for youth were presented. At the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, they were introduced to the possibilities and opportunities the educational system offers for pursuing studies abroad. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they witnessed the daily tasks and challenges of the diplomatic protocol and consular service. Europe Day provided the opportunity to attend the formal session of the Committee on EU affairs of the National Assembly and meet with the President of the National Assembly.

In addition, several events on international topics were organised as well as collective and individual talks, and meetings with business, academic, culture and sports representatives.

During the closing event on 5 December, State Secretary Eva Štravs Podlogar from the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology gave a presentation to aspiring ambassadors on the range of Slovenia’s promotional activities in tourism. Director Tin Kampl shed light on the activities of the Office of Youth, while youth delegate Patrik Bole shared his experience as Slovenia's representative at the general debate of the UN General Assembly and the Youth Climate Summit held in New York in September 2019.

Upon conclusion of the ‘Young Women Ambassadors’ project, participating students will be issued a certificate. A similar project is envisaged for mid-January 2020.