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State Secretary Božič attends Warsaw Security Forum

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
At the invitation of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Warsaw Security Forum, State Secretary Dobran Božič is attending this year’s Forum, taking place on 2 and 3 October.

Today, State Secretary Božič participated as a panellist in the breakout session Significance Overlooked or Ignored? Western Balkans.

Addressing the audience, he underscored the importance of maintaining European Union prospects for the Western Balkan countries, also in terms of ensuring security and stability in the region. The European path is vital for the continued progress of reforms, resolution of remaining outstanding issues, reconciliation, stability and resilience to negative influences of third actors. Slovenia actively promotes the start of EU membership negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, and it hopes for an unequivocal and credible answer in October. The region needs a clear message on the future of the enlargement policy. State Secretary Božič also advocated the EU’s more dynamic and engaged role in the region with regard to meeting criteria, adopting values and boosting economic development.

On the margins of the Warsaw Security Forum, State Secretary Božič met with Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz to discuss topical issues concerning economic and political cooperation, the Three Seas Initiative, enlargement and migration.