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Ministry hosts second seminar for young diplomats from the Eastern Partnership

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is hosting the second seminar for young diplomats from the Eastern Partnership, which is being attended by representatives of the Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarus, Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian foreign ministries.

Young diplomats from the Eastern Partnership meeting representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The seminar will provide the participants with more information about Slovenian foreign policy priorities – they will be acquainted with the experiences acquired during the Slovenian UN Human Rights Council presidency and with the development cooperation and humanitarian aid policy. They will learn more about the Slovenian policy towards Slovenians abroad and discuss the global challenges facing the EU, including those arising in the wider international community. They will also visit the Notranjska Regional Park and learn more about the concept of environmental protection areas (Natura 2000 sites), including best practices in this domain. At the same time, the seminar provides the participants with an excellent opportunity for interaction and networking.

The participants were initially addressed by State Secretary Simona Leskovar, Secretary-General Damjan Bergant and Political Director/Director-General for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Matej Marn. State Secretary Leskovar underlined Slovenia’s commitment to the policies of the Eastern Partnership, which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary. She went on to outline the importance of promoting people-to-people contacts and youth cooperation. Secretary-General Bergant outlined for the participants the organisation and work of the Ministry, while Political Director/Director-General Marn informed them of the Slovenian foreign policy priorities.