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The Office for Fiscal and Economic Policy coordinates work on the European Semester which provides a framework for EU Member States to coordinate fiscal and economic policies across the European Union. The Office is tasked with the preparation and coordination of the medium-term fiscal framework and its compliance with the national fiscal rules, the Stability Programme, the Draft Budgetary Plan and the National Reform Programme. To this end, the Office conducts fiscal and other analyses and prepares forecasts and assessments of the impacts of planned measures. As part of the methodological work, the Office’s tasks are also related to the monitoring and preparation of projections of consolidated public finance budgetary accounts and the general government accounts. When analysing and forecasting fiscal trends in Slovenia and coordinating the methodological work in the field of public finance, the Office cooperates with other international organisations and institutions, such as the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Statistical Office of the European Communities and foreign credit rating agencies.