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The Government Information Security Office (GISO) is the competent national authority in the field of information security, which acts as a government office. Its core mission is to increase resilience to cyber threats that can threaten individuals, businesses, government and society at large.

GISO connects stakeholders in the national information security system and coordinates the operational capabilities of the system at a strategic level. It pays particular attention to subjects under the Information Security Act (ZInfV) from the group of essential service providers in the fields of energy, digital infrastructure, drinking water supply and distribution, healthcare, transport, banking, financial market infrastructure, food supply and environmental protection, from a group of digital service providers and from a group of state administration authorities.

GISO is also the single point of contact to ensure cross-border cooperation with the relevant authorities of other EU Member States and with the European CSIRT Network and other international cooperation tasks. Through its own inspection service, it oversees the implementation of ZInfV.

Due to being tasked with informing the Government and the National Security Council (NSC) in the case of critical incident or cyber attack, GISO is also placed within the national security system.


Organisational Units

Important Documents