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Ambassador Mirošič participated in the inaugural Western Balkan Salon Roundtable in Washington

Ambassador Iztok Mirošič participated in the inaugural Western Balkan Salon Roundtable, a collaborative event series hosted by the Atlantic Council and the embassies of the Western Balkan nations in Washington on March 28, 2024.
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Veleposlanik Iztok Mirošič na okrogli mizi o Zahodnem Balkanu na veleposlaništvu Severne makedonije v Washingtonu

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On March 28, 2024 ambassador Iztok Mirošič participated in the inaugural Western Balkan Salon Roundtable, a collaborative event series hosted by the Atlantic Council and the embassies of the Western Balkan nations in Washington.

This launch event, graciously hosted by the Embassy of North Macedonia, featured esteemed guests Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar and European Union Ambassador Jovita Neliupšienė.

The roundtable provided a platform to delve into the US and EU perspectives on the Western Balkans. Throughout the discussion, it was evident that further EU enlargement and the imperative of pursuing reforms stand as pivotal elements for ensuring lasting peace and stability in the region.