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Minister Šinko at Global forum for food and agriculture

Minister Irena Šinko participated in the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) – the 15th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, titled: “Food Systems Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises”. The Agriculture Ministers’ Conference is attended by over 70 Ministerial Delegations from around the Globe, and representatives of the European Commission, the African Union, agricultural institutions and associations, and other international organisations. The event takes place within the International Green Week (IGW) that was opened for visitors on 20 January.

Food systems transformation is one of the key targets set by the international community to be tackled by 2030. For this very reason, it is the topic of this year’s Global Forum and of the Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, to stimulate discussion and methods of global and national cooperation in the spirit of partnership. Participants debated in four Working Groups that addressed the key questions: How to create crisis-proof food systems; How to create climate-friendly food systems; How to contribute to preserving biodiversity; and How to improve cooperation in sustainable global food systems?

Minister Irena Šinko cooperated in the Panel dedicated to biodiversity conservation. In her address, the Minister pointed out that: “The essential role of politics is to raise the awareness of the society, so that the farmers and other inhabitants are well aware of the importance of conservation of animal and plant species, and that they as individuals or entire sectors are ready to put their efforts into preserving and even improving the conditions. Relevant means need to be provided for such activities to be implemented through a number of years.” To the other Ministers, she presented the specific situation in Slovenia, having a high (60 %) percentage of forests, and as much as 38 % of areas in the country protected as “Natura 2000” areas.

In continuation, she exposed the issue of biodiversity preservation at simultaneous intensification of agricultural production, pointing out the importance of cooperation between countries in sharing relevant know-how. As examples of good practice of biodiversity preservation she exposed the maintenance of mosaicity of agricultural landscape and of forests in Slovenia, maintenance of habitats of pollinators, and orientation into organic farming. The Minister concluded with the words that there were no simple solutions in the long term and that much effort would be required to achieve the targets set. “Agricultural policy needs to face this fact, or the consequences will be bad not only for the free-living animals and plants, but also for the human race”.

The Agriculture Ministers’ Conference concluded with the adoption of the final communiqué on global response to current crises.