Digitalisation is the key step to a modern health system
- Ministry of Health
- Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Digital Transformation
The healthcare digitisation strategy in Slovenia for the 2022–2027 period was drafted within the framework of the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) of the European Commission in cooperation with international experts in the field of healthcare digitalisation and the working group involving key stakeholders in healthcare in Slovenia.
As initially stated by the Minister of Health, Danijel Bešič Loredan, "We will ensure in the next five years that the field of digital healthcare becomes a model and an example of good practice for other countries in the region and beyond." The Minister also assured that access to healthcare for those who do not choose the digital path for whatever reason will not be in any way undermined.
The project will enable better supervision of the digital health system and simplification of the data flow, both to primarily serve a higher quality of patient care. The strategy places patients at the very centre and contributes to better connectivity of the existing information systems and databases. With more efficient data management, supervision and security, the project will contribute to enhanced efficiency, supervision and management of the health system in the long term.
Based on active cooperation with Estonian and Finnish representatives, the Minister has already set the foundations for a modern digitalised health system. After the analysis of the existing situation and presentation of best practices and experiences from suitable EU member states that are also tackling challenges in the field of strategic health digitalisation planning, a successful path towards effective digitalisation has been outlined.
The main objective of the project is that eHealth should be focused on the needs of the patient by 2027 and enable better health for all Slovenian citizens. By renewing processes, data and infrastructure, determining standards and establishing a clear management model that will include everyone, eHealth will become the most efficient, accessible and sustainable digital health system in the EU in the long term.
The specific objectives include:
- introduction of an efficient and dedicated management structure of healthcare digitisation,
- ensuring work force specialisation at the national level and exploiting expert knowledge in special fields,
- including all important stakeholders in the decision-making process on health digitalisation and ensuring a certain amount of autonomy at the local level,
- clearly defined roles and responsibilities to enable transparency,
- enabling long-term continuity of eHealth management,
- ensuring the best services for patients,
- ensuring ongoing development and training of staff.
The Government Office for Digital Transformation, soon to become the Ministry of Digital Transformation, will play an important role in the digitalisation of healthcare. Minister Emilija Stojmenova Duh highlighted, "The objective of our government is a digital transformation which places people rather than technology at the forefront. This is reflected in the healthcare digitisation strategy as well as in our Digital Slovenia Strategy. We have an excellent opportunity to show what a useful tool digitalisation is and apply it in the field of healthcare, which is the priority of our government."
The guests of the event were also greeted by Elisa Ferreira, the Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms at the European Commission, via a video link. "This is the moment to work together to ensure modern digital healthcare for Slovenians and to set an example throughout Europe," she said.
Nathalie Berger, the Director of the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support, said that they were proud to have supported the eHealth project for a healthier society. "The project generated a joint, citizen-centred vision of the Slovenian eHealth ecosystem. Slovenia benefited from an exchange of best practices with Austria, Catalonia, Estonia, Finland and Portugal. As a result, Slovenian citizens will benefit from secure access to their health data, including in the cross-border context."
According to Berger, the public will be empowered to use digital tools to take care of their health, promote preventive care, and provide feedback to, and interact with, healthcare service providers.