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Informal meeting of water and marine directors

  • Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
In the framework of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, water and marine directors met online for their regular twice-yearly informal meeting. The meeting was attended by around 115 participants, including European Commission representatives, EU water and marine directors and their colleagues, as well as representatives of other European countries, the European Environment Agency and several other organisations. The meeting opened with a welcome address by Dr Metka Gorišek, State Secretary at the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

The aim of the meeting was to review the situation and activities and exchange views on current issues with respect to water policies, with a focus on the situation and activities in the evaluation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Bathing Water Directive, as well as on the work programme for the implementation of the Water Directive and other related directives for the coming period. The final part of the meeting provided information on the preparation of water management plans, flood risk reduction plans and marine environment management plans. In addition to coordinating the event, the Slovenian Presidency presented the possibilities of using space technologies for planning and management of river basins and the marine environment.

The next informal meeting of water and marine directors will take place in Paris in June 2022 during the French Presidency.