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The military-related focus of Slovenia's presidency of the EU Council discussed at an EU Military Committee informal meeting Dodaj Novica

On Tuesday, 19 October, the Office of the Military Representative to the European Union organized an informal meeting of the EU Military Committee (EUMC) where topics ranking among the military-related priority contents of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council were presented and discussed.

The meeting was attended by military representatives of EU Member States, the EU Military Staff (EUMS), the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission.

In his introductory address, Chairman of the EUMC General Claudio Graziano highlighted the current and long-term importance of climate change-related issues, their impact on security and the urgency of adapting military action accordingly, and developing future capabilities in line with the new settings. Under the influence of climate change and the EU’s political commitments to tackle it, these settings are certainly imminent. In his welcome address, Military Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU, Brigadier General Milan Žurman, expressed his satisfaction with the interest shown in the topics of the Presidency and thanked the upcoming presenters for support.

The topic of the informal meetings was "robustness and resilience of energy supply in military operations and deployable smart infrastructure capabilities". In terms of content and expertise, the event was supported by Slovenian scientific and research experts, who cooperate with the Ministry of Defence within the Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence (SiEnE), namely Matej Gajzer, MSc (TECES), Prof. Gorazd Štumberger, PhD (University of Maribor), Prof. Tomaž Katrašnik, PhD (University of Ljubljana), Prof. Andrej Kitanovski, PhD (University of Ljubljana) and B.S. (Physics) Friderik Knez (Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute). The view of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, its current projects, and their positioning within the joint European efforts were presented by Colonel Robert Šipec (Head of the Equipping Division of the Ministry of Defence). According to the discussed topics, the meeting was divided into two parts. The first part concentrated on the presenting of the existing and upcoming technologies in connection with the necessity of a systemic approach to the development, planning and introduction of new energy models in military supply in the future. Special emphasis was placed on the solutions related to military static and deployable infrastructure. The second part included a discussion about future smart deployable infrastructure capabilities and Slovenia’s views, experiences and partly established solutions in this area. The discussed topics aroused great interest, recognizing that the energy supply of military operations is an important element of supply as it is, but after the transition to a carbon-free society, a systemic approach adequately supported by timely and targeted technological development will be an indispensable solution to provide the resilience and sustainability of future military operations.