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Reception of the SAF Chief of the General Staff marking the beginning of Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Dodaj Novica

On Thursday, 8 July, Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, Major General Robert Glavaš, hosted a reception at the beginning of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The reception was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Kingdom of Belgium, Dr Rado Genorio; Ambassador - Deputy Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the EU, Tamara Weingerl Požar; Ambassador - Representative to the Political and Security Committee, Veronika Bošković – Pohar; Ambassador - Permanent Representative to NATO, dr. Erik Kopač; Chairman of the EU Military Committee, General Claudio Graziano; Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer; military representatives of EU Member States, NATO and partner countries, and other dignitaries.

In his address, Major General Glavaš highlighted the slogan of the Slovenian Presidency "Together. Resilient. Europe.”, which represents the fundamental European values ​​and reflects the future of the European Union. He highlighted the current and focus areas to which the Slovenian Armed Forces will pay special attention and the related events to be organised during Slovenian Presidency. Among the latter, he specifically mentioned the military exercise DRM2EX 22, which will be organized by the Slovenian Armed Forces with a purpose to strengthen resilience and crisis management through the support of the armed forces in the event of natural disasters, thereby improving civil-military cooperation and improving effective military mobility. He went on to highlight the organization of a military-defence seminar, which will, in the light of the European Green Deal, stimulate a debate on the impact of climate change and its consequences on the future operation of the armed forces. Additionally, he pointed out the COVID-19 pandemic and cyber activities, emphasizing that Slovenia would actively engage in strengthening European resilience and that the Slovenian Armed Forces would play its part in addressing the common challenges and seeking the best solutions. “This is our common path, where all of you play an important role as well,” he said, and concluded by inviting that our common efforts be led by the slogan: Together. Resilient. Europe. "

EUMC Chairman General Claudio Graziano also addressed the guests, emphasizing the success of Slovenia's first Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2008. He said that in his opinion, the slogan that had been chosen for this Presidency could or should remain a lever for many future presidencies. He added that Slovenia’s priorities for the following six months fully supported all three key messages, and stressed the importance of building a resilient and strategically autonomous Europe together, solidarity, which should by no means mean renouncing national identities, but building an awareness of how our differences can truly become our strengths in achieving a more resilient unity. He concluded by highlighting the importance of deepening the EU’s cooperation with its partners, especially with NATO.

Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, Major General Robert Glavaš, hosted a reception at the beginning of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, Major General Robert Glavaš | Author Mitja Zupanc