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EU funding for employment and training in the field of culture

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the call for project proposals Supportive environment for cultural activities 2021. The funding available under the call for proposals that will be implemented by the Ministry of Culture amounts to EUR 627 thousand with the European Social Fund contributions standing at EUR 502 thousand.

The call for proposals aims to fund the establishment of a supportive environment in the field of culture that will support employability, capacity building, and social inclusion of the unemployed and inactive individuals, in particular those over the age of 50, those in long-term unemployment, and those with below-ISCED level 3 education (lower secondary education) as well as those about to become unemployed. This will be attained through the inclusion of such individuals in cultural programmes and projects as well as by encouraging employers to hire such individuals for open and new job posts.  

The call for proposals aims to promote enrolment in culture projects that result in one-year full-time employment for open and new jobs, as well as in participation in training. The call for proposals will support the enrolment of 40 participants in employment incentives and 60 participants in training.

The call for proposals is open to non-government cultural organisations, public institutes, public agencies, and public funds that are registered under the cultural and creative sectors and distribution of cultural goods in Slovenia, that are active in the area which the call for proposals pertains to, and that meet the general and specific criteria of the call for proposals.

Ministry of Culture plans to publish the call for proposals on Friday 11 June 2021.