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EUR 49 million of EU funding for Karavanke railway tunnel

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Safety and technical upgrade of the Karavanke railway tunnel”. The project worth EUR 79.3 will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency and will receive EUR 49.2 of Cohesion Fund support.

The aim of the project is to remove the double-track and build a single-track line on the section of the railway line from the Jesenice station to the Podrožca station (Republic of Austria). The project will also focus on repairing the damaged parts of the tunnel, constructing evacuation routes and appropriate drainage. Communication systems and systems for ensuring fire safety will be established along with more efficient rescue in the event of an accident.

The project will improve the safety and technical conditions in the Karavanke tunnel and the safety of railway traffic and passengers. Attaining greater speed will thus be made possible. The upgrade of the tunnel will establish a more adequate rail connection with the wider European area.