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State Secretary Tone Kajzer on Reform Process in Sudan

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Secretary Tone Kajzer attended the international Sudan Partnership Conference.
International Sudan Partnership Conference.

State Secretary Tone Kajzer | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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The high-level video conference was organised by Germany in cooperation with the European Union, United Nations and the Government of Sudan. The international partners supported the efforts of Sudan’s transitional government towards a democratic political transition.

State Secretary Kajzer underlined the importance of Sudan’s further and integral endeavours to undertake democratic reforms and drew attention to the crucial role of respect for human rights and cooperation with the International Criminal Court to achieve lasting peace in the country. He pledged his support for the reform plan of Sudan’s transitional government to exit the political, economic, and humanitarian situation aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

State Secretary Kajzer expressed Slovenia’s willingness to share its knowledge and experience with Sudan and highlighted Slovenia’s solidarity with the Sudanese people, focused mainly on providing assistance to the Darfur region.