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Minister Andrej Vizjak assumes office at the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning

  • Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
At the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MOP), departing Minister Simon Zajc handed over operations to the new Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Andrej Vizjak.

First of all, Andrej Vizjak expressed appreciation for the correct handover and earlier cooperation. He stressed that there are three key priorities to be considered: addressing current problems regarding the accumulation of packaging waste, sewage sludge, and other materials, including hazardous waste; advocating for the simplification and shortening of procedures for obtaining permits that fall under the competence of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning; implementation of key national projects supported by national plans. Simon Zajc underlined that he had presented to the new Minister the main challenges he will be facing at the MOP, which the new Minister is already well aware of.