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Development of eGovernment in Slovenia above European average

The European Commission published the most recent results of the regular comparative analysis of the development of eGovernment services in the European Union in 2019 (eGovernment Benchmark). The measurements were carried out in 2018.

Such analyses inform countries about the quality of their services for citizens and companies compared to other European countries. The findings can help them plan activities and resources and evaluate the effects of various development projects and measures. The analyses also facilitate the exchange of good practices, knowledge and experience among countries and the provision of more uniform and better-quality public administration services that improve the life of citizens and increase the competitiveness of the economy.

The set of life events was mostly the same as in 2014 and 2016 (income tax was added):

Starting a business –,,,

Losing and finding a job –,,,,,

Studying –,,,,,,

Family life (birth, marriage, retirement, income tax) –,

The methodology covers four key dimensions – user centricity (availability, applicability), transparency (services, personal information, organisations), cross-border mobility and key enablers (e-ID, e-Documents, registers, e-Service). The results are also a reference for the composite Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).

In terms of development of e-government services Slovenia is still near the European average. In the analysis of life events it ranks 16th among 36 countries assessed. The most progress was made in the life events "Starting a business" and "Family life".

The published findings of the European Commission show Slovenia has an average digitalisation rate (benchmark) and under-average penetration rate (the use of internet in society) which ranks it among the countries with unconsolidated e-government (with Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovakia). The European Commission recommends these countries to digitalise their services for end-users (front office) and back-end systems (back office), and convince citizens and companies to use digital services.

However, the relative position of Slovenia has slightly improved, also due to more intense cooperation with the institutions responsible for particular life events. Nevertheless, we cannot be satisfied with the published results, as there is still potential to further improve the services and bring them closer to the best European practices. Significant improvements could be achieved by giving greater priority to digitalisation in general and step up and coordinate the efforts of our institutions, by targeting development investments and in certain cases also by amending regulations and making organisational changes.

The European Commission is already conducting the next round of measurements related to the second set of life events (Regular business operation, Moving, Owning and driving a car and Starting a small-claims procedure). Results will be published next year.

Link to the 2019 analysis

Results of the previous measurements (available at the European Commission website):