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EU funding for the Velenje cycle network

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the Integrated Territorial Investment ‘’ITI Velenje cycle network – west’’. The project funding amounts to a total of EUR 2.6 million, of which nearly EUR 1.4 million comes from ERDF.

The goal of the investment is to develop a cycle network for the western side of the city of Velenje and link the existing and newly developed cycling routes into an interconnected network so as to stimulate uptake of cycling, increase the daily use of bicycles for functional trip purposes and foster sustainable mobility.

The project includes the development of and implementation of bicycle signage and wayfinding for seven cycling connections forming a network that will cover the western side of the city of Velenje, the design of two wooden bridges and construction of a railway underpass. Also, three covered bicycle parking facilities and one parking space without weather protection will be set up, including a brand new Bicy station.

The ITI-funded project aims to support the development of an interconnected cycle network in the city of Velenje to help the city authority better plan, monitor, implement and manage sustainable mobility in the local community and create connections with the regional network. The expected results of the project include air quality improvement, mobility poverty reduction, and improvement in citizens’ health, with the project focusing particularly on encouraging healthy lifestyle among citizens and supporting the development of measures promoting sustainable mobility.

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Municipality of Velenje.