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Evening with singer-songwriter Vlado Kreslin in London

When to
Where Waterloo Creative Studio
‘Old Paradise Yard’
20 Carlisle Lane
London SE1 7LG
Kindly invited to an evening of film, Q&A and music with legendary singer-songwriter Vlado Kreslin. The event is part of the cultural programme that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Slovenia and the United Kingdom and the celebration of Slovenia-UK Friendship Day.

The screening of documentary Sing me a Song will give an insight into the key stages of Kreslin’s rise towards an authentic artistic expression while tracing the cultural context in which he has been working for more than forty years.

Following the screening, journalist and filmmaker Nina Kojima will in conversation with Kreslin talk about the making of the film and his work in general.
The afternoon will conclude with performance of some of his most well liked songs that have entered the public consciousness and already become folk tune like "Instead of Whom a Flower Now Blooms", "That Black Guitar", "Dizzy Heights".

Further info on the announcement page of the event