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Directorate for Digital Solutions Development and Data Economy

The main task of the Directorate for Digital Solutions Development and Data Economy is to ensure the coherent development of digitalisation in the public administration, and to this end, we advise, guide, and encourage other institutions to digitalise services, create interoperable solutions, unify the online presence of the state, work processes, and use of e-commerce.
We monitor the development of digitalisation and ICT development standards, develop guidelines and standards in the field of digital service development, and improve the user experience of digital solutions. We are responsible for the development of common building blocks and information systems, for the development of data management and analytics within the civil service, and for the development and management of national portals for electronic services for citizens and businesses. We lead and participate in various development activities and working groups to develop the digitalisation of government at the national and international levels, such as the EU, OECD, and UN.

Directorate for Digital Solutions Development and Data Economy is responsible for the provision of harmonised development of digitalisation in public administration. We advise, guide and encourage other institutions towards digitalisation of services, implementation of interoperable solutions, unified governmental website presentations, work processes and use of electronic services.

We monitor the development of digitalisation and standards in the field of information and communication technology, prepare guidelines and standards in the field of digital services development and improve user experience with digital solutions. We manage the development of common building blocks and information systems, the development in the field of data management and analytics within the government administration and the development of national portals for electronic services for citizens and companies. We participate in various development activities and working groups for the development of digitalisation of eGovernment at the national and international level, such as the EU, OECD and UN.

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