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Division for Cooperation with the National Assembly and for European and International Cooperation

The Division for Cooperation with the National Assembly and for European and International Cooperation cooperates with the National Assembly and monitors its work. It also monitors the European and international activities of the Government, provides opinions and other documents for the Government to formulate its position, and refers documents to the competent authorities for consideration.

It examines documents for government consideration and their compliance with the Rules of Procedure of the Government and the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly and draws up and prepares decissions adopted by the Government concerning the Division’s area of work and monitors the implementation of those decisions.

The Division also marks and assigns correspondence received from the National Assembly and the National Council; organises the monitoring of sessions of the National Assembly; coordinates the participation of government representatives and public employees from the Secretariat-General at the sessions of the National Assembly and prepares relevant documents for their work; and briefs the Secretary-General and the services of the Secretariat-General.

It keeps records and produces information on the basis of these records, follows EU and other legislations concerning its area of work, and drafts reports on the work of the National Assembly