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The Division for the Conduct of Government Sessions and Analysis prepares, organises and conducts regular sessions and correspondence sessions of the Government and prepares decisions thereof, monitors implementation of decisions adopted by the Government concerning the Division’s area of work and draws up the minutes of Government sessions.

It marks incoming correspondence and assigns it for further consideration, except for correspondence received from the National Assembly and the National Council. It directly monitors the sessions of the Government and the National Assembly and examines documents for government consideration and their compliance with the Rules of Procedure of the Government and harmonisation with the competent line ministries.

The Division draws up project studies, analyses, reports and information with analytical, statistical and descriptive data concerning the implementation of Government decisions, current issues and important themes; gathers and processes specialist data from foreign and domestic sources; draws up and monitors the implementation of the work programme of the Government; and draws up statistical and analytical reports on the work of the Government and its working bodies.