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    Government proposes Tomaž Vesel for appointment as Member of the EU Commission

    At today's session, the Government has decided on a proposal for the appointment of the candidate as Member of the EU Commission and to submit the proposal to the National Assembly. The Government nominates Tomaž Vesel as a candidate for appointment as Member of the EU Commission.

  • 114th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted the starting points for drafting the Act on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in Healthcare in order to simplify and accelerate recruitment procedures for foreign health professionals. The agenda also included the item “nomination for a Member of the European Commission”, but this item was suspended during the session.

  • Prime Minister Golob assesses the response to the fire in the Karst as extremely fast and efficient

    Prime Minister Robert Golob, who also serves as the Minister of Defence, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Damir Črnčec, Civil Protection Commander Srečko Šestan, and the Director-General of the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Leon Behin, were briefed on the situation in relation to the fire in the Karst. The Prime Minister assessed the operations of all deployed units as extremely fast and efficient.

  • The fire is not yet out, but the situation is stable

    The activities in response to the fire in the Karst are still ongoing. The fire that broke out today on the Trstelj and Kačnik hills has not yet been extinguished, but the situation is stable. New firefighting units with more than 350 firefighters will tackle the fire overnight.

  • Civil Protection Commander Srečko Šestan activates national emergency plan for fire in Karst region

    A fire broke out this morning in the Karst region of Trstelj. Strong winds caused the fire to spread over the entire hill and move towards Nova Gorica. At 10:34 a.m., RS Civil Protection Commander Srečko Šestan activated the National Protection and Rescue Plan for the event of a major fire in the natural environment.

  • 113th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted the proposed new amendments to the Auditing Act and several decrees concerning agriculture and declared 28 September as Civil Defence Day.

  • 241st correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's correspondence session, the Government took note of the document on the reform of the public sector pay system – an overview of the situation as at 11 July 2024. It reappointed Damir Črnčec State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence.

  • Decisions taken by government committees

    At the government committee meetings, the Government included several new projects in the current 2024–2027 Development Programme Plan.

  • 238th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government has formulated the text of the proposal of the Act on temporary measures to improve personnel and working conditions and the capacities of providers of social assistance and long-term care services. The text of the proposal is in the third reading stage. The Government agreed to the proposed changes to the new legal amendments to the Act Determining Intervention Measures for Flood and Landslide Recovery of August 2023.

  • 112th Session of the Government

    At today’s session, the Government discussed the initial starting points for the draft Act Amending the Foreigners Act.

  • Decisions taken by government committees

    At committee meetings, the Government adopted, among other things, an opinion on the draft amendment to the Criminal Code and included several new projects in the current Development Programme Plan 2024–2027.

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    111th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government approved the texts of the draft act governing the measures to optimise certain procedures at administrative units and of the draft act amending the Act Determining Intervention Measures for Recovery from the Floods and Landslides of August 2023.

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    Government continues to prepare budgets for 2025 and 2026

    The Government is continuing to prepare the budgets for 2025 and 2026. It has adopted a breakdown of budget expenditure by budget users. In the next two years, the focus will remain on measures to deal with the consequences of last year's floods and to strengthen economic growth and development.

  • 109th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government set the text of the proposed new amendments to the Local Elections Act, adopted the proposed new amendments to the Companies Act and set the text of the draft act amending the Disabled People's Organizations Act. The Government took note of the report on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) and began consideration of Mr Tomaž Vesel’s nomination as a Member of the European Commission.

  • 108th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government decided to extend the temporarily reintroduced controls at the borders with Croatia and Hungary until 21 December 2024. It also adopted amendments to the Mining Act and new amendments to the Decree on the method of determining and calculating the contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources.

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    Slovenia to become a full member of the European Space Agency

    Prime Minister Robert Golob and European Space Agency (ESA) Director General Josef Aschbacher have signed an agreement that will see Slovenia become a full member of ESA on 1 January 2025, when the current Association Agreement expires.

  • 107th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's meeting, the Government adopted an amendment to the Act on the Arrangement of Certain Issues Arising from the Final Ruling of the Court of Arbitration under the Arbitration Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia. It also approved a draft Aviation Act and an amendment to the Act on the Provision of Air Navigation Services, and issued the Decree on setting prices for certain petroleum products.

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    106th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted the proposal to increase the earmarked assets of the Slovenian Housing Fund, the starting points for drafting an act regulating the financing of the building of public rental housing and the amendments to the Decree on the compulsory health insurance service programme. It also decided that helicopter transports for emergency medical services are to be carried out as a state activity using police aircraft.

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    Halfway through the term of office: Striking a balance between the welfare state and a development breakthrough

    Prime Minister Robert Golob and the Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers, Asta Vrečko and Matjaž Han, presented the achievements of the first half of the current Government's term of office. All three welcomed the Government's decision today to recognise Palestine.

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    105th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted the proposal on the recognition of independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine, approved the starting points for drafting amendments to the Health Services Act, the starting points for amending tax legislation and the strategy for eliminating precarious work. It also adopted the intervention act on personnel in social care.