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  • New premises for the Slovenian Consulate-General in Trieste

    Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar and the President of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Regional Government, Massimiliano Fedriga, opened the new premises of the Consulate-General of the Republic of Slovenia in Trieste. Just before the evening reception marking Republic Day in Italy, the Minister held separate meetings with the Slovenian minority and FVG President Fedriga.

  • Joint Statement on the EU commitment to the Western Balkans’ European integration

    We, the Foreign Ministers of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, Hungary, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic reiterate our continued support for the Western Balkans on their European path. The EU enlargement process has a positive transformative power in the Western Balkans and is an investment in peace and stability in Europe. It is essential to ensure the overall progress of the region. The EU needs to fulfil its unambiguous commitment to the Western Balkans European integration. There is no “plan B”.

  • Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Thessaloniki

    David Brozina, Director-General for EU Affairs, and Slovenian Ambassador to Greece Anita Pipan attended the official opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Thessaloniki. This is the first Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Greece, with jurisdiction over the entire north of Greece. Thessaloniki, the second largest Greek city and a major port, is the economic centre of this rapidly developing region.

  • Prime minister in Geneva stresses Slovenia’s commitment to the efforts of the International Labour Organization

    Slovenian prime minister Marjan Šarec took part in the high-level segment of the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva on the occasion of the ILC’s centenary.

  • Political consultations between Slovenia and Switzerland at the level of directors general for European affairs

    Political consultations between the foreign ministries of Slovenia and Switzerland at the level of directors general for European affairs took place today at Brdo pri Kranju. David Brozina and Pietro Piffaretti devoted special attention to bilateral cooperation, economic and regional cooperation, EU issues, with special focus on EU–Switzerland relations, and topical international issues.

  • Call to protect and care for the environment

    In 1972 the United Nations General Assembly declared 5 June to be World Environment Day, the aim being to raise awareness of the environment and of specific environmental issues. Slovenia is one of the most biodiverse countries in Europe.

  • State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration Leon Behin calls for the reduction of digital divide at the meeting of telecommunications ministers

    The State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration, Mr Leon Behin, attended the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE Council), which was held on Friday, 7 June 2019, in Luxembourg. At the meeting, the State Secretary debated the main actions Europe should take immediately to maintain its global competitiveness in the data economy, and the core tasks of digitising the European economy. The Council focused on the policy debate concerning the future of a highly digitised Europe beyond 2020.

  • Regional connectivity and compliance with EU at heart of first day of 3SI Business Forum

    The first day of the Three Seas Initiative Business Forum, held under the aegis of the Prime Minister at Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, focused on connectivity along four key dimensions of the initiative: energy, transport, digitisation, and innovation. At the presidential panel, chaired by Slovenian President Borut Pahor, presidents of participating countries discussed geopolitical and transition challenges in the area of the EU spanning the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas.

  • Minister Dr Cerar hosts Ivan Brajović, President of the Parliament of Montenegro

    Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar today met Ivan Brajović, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, who is paying an official visit to Slovenia. The constructive talks focused on bilateral relations, enhanced cooperation within NATO, EU enlargement, and Montenegro's progress on its path towards the EU, as well as regional cooperation and the situation in the region.

  • Prime minister opens Three Seas Initiative business forum

    Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Šarec gave the welcoming address at the Ljubljana Fairgrounds to the second Three Seas Initiative (3SI) business forum, which is being held alongside the two-day summit of the initiative. The forum, which will be attended by around 600 participants from more than 40 countries, was organised jointly by the Slovenian government, the Centre for European Perspective and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

  • State Secretary Leon Behin on the presidential initiative: “We need highways of the future”

    On Wednesday, 5 June 2019, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration, Leon Behin, discussed in the company of senior officials, businessmen and other distinguished guests at The Three Seas Initiative held at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The panel was hosted by the renowned guest and expert Jan - Jacques Sahel, vice president of ICANN. The participants discussed the digital transformation of society and information security.

  • Eurovote results complete

    The National Electoral Commission has released full results of the 26 May European parliamentary election in Slovenia, having added the vote from abroad.

  • EUPAN Directors-General informal meeting in Bucharest

    Director-General of the Public Sector Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration Peter Pogačar is attending a two-day informal meeting of EUPAN Directors-General in Bucharest.

  • A Proposal to Confer Decoration on Dr. Vojeslav Mole

    In December 1973, the extraordinary life of Dr. Vojeslav Mole, prominent Slovenian art historian, classical archaeologist, poet, writer and translator, came to an end. This month’s archivalia – a proposal for conferring the Order of Merits for the People (1st rank) to Vojeslav Mole – presents his curriculum vitae up to 1962. Drawn up by the Council on Culture and Education of the People’s Republic of Slovenia on June 19, 1962, the proposal was submitted to the Decoration Awarding Commission of the Executive Council of the People’s Republic of Slovenia. Judging from the data available, the proposal was never confirmed by the commission.

  • Master Plečnik

    This year marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of the renowned Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik and the 60th anniversary of his death, which is why 2017 was declared as the Plečnik Year. Following Plečnik's death, a number of films were shot both in Slovenia and in the Czech Republic, celebrating the architect's life and work. Slovenian Film Archives (SFA) takes special pride in authentic film material and documentaries that depict Plečnik and his achievement and were shot during his lifetime. For this month’s archivalia we chose the artistic sound film Mojster Plečnik (Master Plečnik), directed in 1952 by Mirko Grobler to mark the famous architect’s 80th birthday.

  • Urbarium of the Bogenšperk and the Lihtenberk Castles by Johann Weichard Valvasor

    The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia keep more than two thousand land registers in various holdings and collections. Urbariums were usually written by landowners and only exceptionally by the landlord himself. The presented urbarium of the manors of Bogenšperk and Lihtenberk is remarkable in this respect; it was written by Janez Vajkard Valvasor.

  • The Minutes of the Questioning of the Ig Parishioners in Regard to their Complaints against the Parish Clergy

    The Minutes of the Questioning of the Ig Parishioners in the spring of 1782 were taken during the investigation against the Ig parish priest Jožef Gollmayer. The parishioners accused him of "novelties" in administering the sacraments of penance, Eucharist and anointing of the sick. The questioning of witnesses also revealed that the Ig clergy often made use of "unorthodox", mostly Jansenistic, books.

  • Employee Card of SS-Oberscharführer Karl Josef Silberbauer

    After hiding in the attic of an old Amsterdam house for more than two years, the Jewish Frank family and their cohabitants were arrested in August 1944. Also arrested were Anne and Margot Frank, who eventually died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in the spring of 1945. The one responsible for the arrests was the SS senior sergeant Karl Josef Silberbauer, an employee of the Gestapo and Sicherheitsdienst in the occupied Netherlands. His employee card is preserved among the archival holdings of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Half a Millenium Since the Settling of the Dispute Between the Convent in Mekinje and the Town of Kamnik

    Mid-April 2016 marks the 500th anniversary of the settling of the dispute between the Mekinje convent and the town of Kamnik in regard to the cutting down of trees in the territory of the Kamniška Bistica valley. The verdict was issued by the Carniolan governor and the lord of Schonberg Hans Auersperg (Janns von Auersperg), and by the Carniolan Vicedom Erasem Braunbart (Erasmen Braunwart). The charter was written in two identical copies and authenticated with two pendant seals of both issuers. The charter presented here is kept in our Collection of charters and is one of the 220 charters in the series Charters of the Convent of the Order of the Poor Clares in Mekinje.

  • 70 Years since the Start of the Construction of the Medvode Hydroelectric Power Station

    In addition to generating the much needed electrical energy, the construction of the Hydroelectric Power Station in Medvode had an impact on the general appearance of the region by building a dam across the river Sava and creating Zbilje Lake. This month's archivalia is dedicated to documents that bear witness to the construction of this power station in Medvode between 1947 and 1953.