Promotional publications
Admire me Softly (2002)
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Strategija ohranjanja biotske raznovrstnosti v Republiki Sloveniji
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Biological and Landscape Diversity in Slovenia - an Overview (2001)
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Razvojne priložnosti slovenskih mestnih občin / Development Opportunities of Slovenian Municipalities (2016)
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Environment in Slovenia 2002 (2003)
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European Landscape Convention - Implementation in Slovenia (2010)
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Integral Spatial Planning for Balanced Spatial Development of Slovenia's Coastal Area (2007)
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Karawanken - Cross-border Groundwater Water Body - for integrated planning of spatial developmnet (2008)
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Zbornik Krajina in družba / Landscape and Society (2007)
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Life III - Narava v Sloveniji, zbornik projektov / Life III - Nature in Slovenia - review of projects (2007)
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Living Future (2003)
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National Environmental Action Programme (1999)
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National Report on Urban Development - Habitat III (2016)
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Nature parks of Slovenia (2011)
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Parks in Slovenia 2004 (2005)
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Poročilo o rezultatih projekta LIFE Operativni program upravljanja območij Natura 2000 v Sloveniji 2015-2020 / Layman's Report of the LIFE project: Natura 2000 Management Programme for Slovenia for the Period 2015-2020 (2015)
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Zavarovana območja v Sloveniji
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R.A.V.E. Space Project Final Report (2008)
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Resolucja o nacionalnem stanovanjskem programu 2015-2025 / Resolution on the National Housing Programme 2015-2025 (2016)
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Review of the Activities of the Environment and Spatial Planning Ministry in 2006 (2006)
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See the Sea, The Slovenian Mediterranean and Sustainable Development (2002)
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Slovenia's First National Communication under The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (2002)
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Slovenia's Fourth National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2006)
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Slovenian Presidency Report on activities in the field of territorial cohesion and urban development (2008)
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Slovenia's Report on Demonstrable Progress under the Kyoto Protocol (2006)
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Slovenia's Second and Third National Communication to the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2004)
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Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia (2004)
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Spatial Management Policy of the Republic of Slovenia (2001)
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