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Poslanstvo Sektorja za razvoj in plan je doseganje ključnih ciljev upravljanja z vodami, to je vzpostavitvi in spodbujanju razvoja sodobnega in celostnega načrtovalsko-operativnega upravljanja voda. Pri tem si prizadevamo za zagotavljanje dobrega stanja voda, za zmanjšanje poplavne ali sušne ogroženosti ter za dobro stanje morskega okolja.

We prepare professional and development tasks for water management plans and offer development and professional support to the Water Management Office. We participate in professional examinations of the compliance of project documentation and in the procedures for the adoption of spatial planning documents. We contribute professional solutions for the needs of fulfilling international and bilateral obligations of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of water management.

We perform tasks related to protection against the harmful effects of water, protection against hydromorphological pressures of water and protection against water pollution, including tasks related to the use of water resources and alluvial deposits.

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