Environment and Nature Inspection Service
The environmental inspectors conduct inspections in the fields of environmental protection and nature conservation, water use and management, cave protection, and genetically modified organisms. They pay special attention to the supervision of the environmental permit holders for installations or facilities that might cause large-scale environmental pollution and for facilities that pose a greater risk of environmental incidents.
The majority of inspections are conducted in the fields of waste management and cross-border shipment of waste, industrial pollution, including the supervision of small combustion installations, and water quality. These are followed by inspections in the fields of noise and light pollution, electromagnetic radiation, chemicals and genetically modified organisms, and air quality, including the supervision of ozone-depleting substances.
The work of the inspectors is based on conducting regular and planned on-site inspections of the persons liable. The non-routine inspections are mainly based on reports, while recently they have also been conducted because of various industrial accidents and extraordinary events with an environmental impact. The identified violations are followed by appropriate inspection and administrative procedures and minor offence proceedings.