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College and university: Recognition of education for continuing education

The recognition of education for the purpose of further education is a procedure in which a decision is adopted, on the basis of education attained abroad, on an individual's right to apply and to be considered for admission for the purpose of continuing their education at education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia.

The procedure for recognition of education is carried out in the educational institution in which the holder of a foreign certificate wishes to continue the education, i.e. an upper secondary vocational, technical or general school, higher vocational college or higher education institution.

Aplication for recognition of education for continuing education

The procedure is initiated at the request of the holder of a foreign document on education or his/her legal representative. Deadlines for submitting and processing the application are determined by the educational institution.
Possible manners of submission:
  • by mail
  • personally

In accordance with the criteria and regulations governing enrolments, transfers and transitions between educational programmes in the Republic of Slovenia, the institution will determine whether the enrolment requirements are fulfilled and shall issue a decision on the right of the holder to access, enrol and to be considered in the enrolment procedures.

In the process of recognition of education for continuing education, in accordance with the criteria set out in Article 16 of the Assessment and Recognition of Education Act, the decision determines the right of the holder of the certificate to access, apply and be treated in the enrolment procedures in continuing education at the desired educational institution.

When applying for enrolment in a desired educational program, the holder of a certificate intending to continue his education in the Republic of Slovenia, as a rule, submits an application for recognition of education.

Continuing education at higher education institutions in Slovenia

An application for higher education study programmes must be submitted as an online enrolment application completed in eVŠ, which also contains the application for the recognition of education.
